Friday, 28 October 2016


Recently, I managed to blag myself an internship as a copywriter and community manager which basically means I run social media accounts for companies by writing lots of their posts and responding to angry people on Facebook. I'm just about to finish my first ever week in a full-time job so I thought I would reflect on the difference between this and what I had been doing previously. 

There are quite a few obvious differences. This new job is full-time and I'm sat at a desk typing away as well as chatting to my colleagues about whatever it is that we are currently working on. My old job greeting guests was fantastic and I'm still hoping to continue doing it part-time but there is something to be said for not having to wait around all day for people who never turn up or not accidentally setting burglar alarms off! 

I've titled this piece adulting as many of you will probably already know that this is the term used by us millenials to describe the transition from student or young adult into a fully functioning proper human being with a job and responsibilities. This week has been a culture shock but in a good way, I think. I've been sleeping properly which hasn't happened in way over 12 months. Also I've been feeling fulfilled and I can't remember the last time I had a panic attach. I look back over the past year and I now see how far that I have come. I could never have dreamed that I would be able to start work in an office with people that I don't know and get stuck into the work straight away. Anxiety can be debilitating and I've certainly had experience of that this year. However now I can say that it is helping me to push myself forward and it is making me a better person. I have to thank everyone at my previous job, because they were so kind to me and understanding when I told them about what I was going through that I genuinely wouldn't be where I am now without them. 

We shall see what the next few months throw at me but I am positive in saying that I have certainly grown into a better person because of my mental health problems. It has helped me focus my mind into working out what makes me happy and what I can do to implement that. Hopefully I can blog a little more regularly now that I am in a better headspace so keep posted for more of my ramblings and reviews!