Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Mastering The Art Of Being Parisian

Recently the real world has kind of taken over for me. Finishing university was a milestone that I don't think I was quite prepared for but I have been trying to fill the void with work, work and more work! I've also been reading a lot more. Something that I surprisingly didn't have much time for during term time. My concentration levels have dwindled over the past year or so but now that I am getting myself back on track I am finding that I can read more. 

I've been trying to remind myself why I love living here so much and why I chose to live here in the first place! So the first book on my summer reading list was My Life in France by the one and only Julia Child. For those of you who aren't familar with the culinary giant - she essentially introduced proper French cooking to America with her book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. It turns out that when she moved to Paris with her husband in the 1950s she lived around the corner from where my university is and she used to shop on the road I used to go and get my lunchtime panini from the Italian deli. There were little coincidences like this that made the book truly magical for me. It has reinspired me to not only love France more but to cook more. Cooking and baking are two of my biggest passions but my desire to work on either of them while finishing my degree dwindled. 

A couple of weeks ago I plunged fully into becoming a proper Parisian and I invested in a shopping trolley. The quintessential French accessory. It came from Monoprix and that's where I take it back to pretty much once a week. Now I get excited to fill it full of whatever is in season - I've even started fondling vegetables to make sure they are just right. Don't get me wrong I still love a good old cup of tea and a dunkable biscuit but after what has been going on in the UK recently I'm ready to become fully French, or at least Parisian until Great Britain sorts itself out.  

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