Wednesday, 8 March 2017

International Women's Day

I've been having a rough week. I'm not sure why, but my mood just hasn't been very good. Today when I came into work I thought the highlight of my day was going to be the Mars bar I had snuck in my bag as I walked out the front door this morning. Turns out that wasn't to be. I haven't even eaten it yet. You may ask me why this habitually hungry blogger hasn't jumped at the chance to eat her daily intake of sugar in one go yet. Well, I've been on a natural high. That high is inspiration. 

I'm welling up slightly as I write this but I'm just so proud of all of the women and men who are speaking out today and celebrating all of the incredible things that feminism has done for us. A day filled with positivity and solidarity is just what the doctor ordered. I'd like to thank all of the inspirational women in my life for showing me that I can do anything and that my dreams are worth fighting for. 

Thank you to my Mum. You have shown me that if I put my mind to something that I can do it. You've taught me to be supportive, kind and above all else strong. A constant source of inspiration, I simply don't know what I'd do without you. 

Thank you to my Gran. How can I begin to thank you for all of the lessons you have taught me? I took a leaf out of your book this morning as I looked in the mirror at my tired, pale face and reached for the lipstick to show the world just what I'm made of. 

Thank you to my Sister. You are the matter-of-fact voice that brings me back down to Earth when I'm wandering with my head in the clouds for too long. Who know where I'd be without you. 

Thank you to my Friends. My girl gang, my fellow gin drinkers and lovers of gossip. You were there through the rough times. You knew when I needed to speak, when I needed to drink coffee and eat cake and most of all when I needed to heal. 

There are hundreds of other women I would like to thank for everything they have done. Whether through being a friend, a member of my family or even just the women who write positive comments on my Instagram, I'd like to say this to you. You are enough. You are strong. You are incredible. You can do anything. 

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